Pioneer Days

Pioneer Days was the historical name of an annual community event in the city of Chico, celebrated the week before Pioneer Days, the first Saturday in May. Community groups like Sigma Nu adopted themes and applied them to the festivities. In 1987 Chico State President Wilson announced an end to the 70-year-old tradition. Currently, the parade is the only event that remains of Pioneer Days.

Rancho Chico Days 1989
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Sheriff: Steve Schnittker (as Indiana Jones)
“Good Jewels are Hard to Come By”

Pioneer Days 1987
Wells Fargo
Sheriff: Chris McLean
“Our Load is as Good as Gold”

Wells Fargo – 1987

Pioneer Days 1986
Chico Airport
Sheriff: Paul Nieberding
“Let Sigma Nu take you to new heights”
Pioneer Days 1985
Sheriff: Steve Roberson (as J. Edgar Hoover)
“We do our best work undercover”

Spring 1984
Pony Express
Sheriff: Lenn Raab
“Ride the Pony”

Spring 1983
Lone Ranger
Sheriff: Thom Rougeau (as the Lone Ranger)
“We take our masks off for only one thing”

Spring 1982
Foremost Dairy
Sheriff: Sean O’Brien
“We’re the cream of the crop”

Spring 1981
Harley Davidson Motorcycles
Sheriff: Pat Corbett
“Let Sigma Nu put something exciting between your legs”

Spring 1980
Henry Weinhard
Sheriff: Mike Broneau
“Get a head with Weinhard”

Spring 1979
Wizard of Oz
Sheriff: Drew Williams
“Score on Oz”

Spring 1978
Bargetto Winery
Sheriff: Harvey Veon

Spring 1977
Hughson and Merton
Sheriff: Kirk Richardson
“Sigma Nu Has a Better Idea”

Spring 1976
Sons of Liberty
Sheriff: John Lentz

Spring 1975
Union Ice Co
Sheriff: John Porter
“The Iceman cometh!”

Spring 1974
Placerville, Humboldt and Salt Lake Telegraph Company
“Sigma Nu is here!”